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Daily Archives: March 17, 2021

Liars or Outliers.

Here is another short excerpt from my forthcoming book ‘A Hero’s Journey Through the Music Industry’. Out soonish……

It’s early spring 2006 and I’m in London at the PRS building (Performing Rights Society) standing before a room full of music industry people who have assembled to hear ‘How we did it?’ They are here to listen to our ‘giant-killing‘ fairy tale of how the little guy took on the big guy (in this case the biggest guy on the block, X-Factor) and triumphed. I am describing our journey from a provincial indie label to Number One record and (eventually) 1 million sales and sharing some of the experiences and the odd funny story with the assembled throng and it all seems to be going quite well. I have done a few of these events now, (I’m starting to feel like a game show host). 


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