So how do things get started? Where and when do things actually begin? Can we ever identify a time or place where stuff really got started? Walking the bog road this morning I found my mind taking me back to what might have been one of those strange but traceable origin points. One of those “what if” points.
So a curious thing happened when I was at school. The idea came to me one day that there must be a way (an extra special, magical, and fairy dust way) to remember things – yes I know making lists is very effective but you can’t really take them into an exam with you, can you? Long before I had discovered various memory enhancement systems like mnemonics and association, (and Tony Buzan’s work on Mind Maps and linking ideas etc) I thought I might try and invent my own system of recall – and as fate would have it I had found the perfect testing ground.
Walking this morning on the ancient trails around Lough Derg (my very own “haunts of ancient peace”), I happened on an old memory. Right now the hedgerows and lanes are bursting with wild blossom of every conceivable kind but my attention was taken by one thing. At first, I wasn’t even sure why it caught me so – this was one of those slow-dawning bolts from the blue (I mix good cocktails too, not just metaphors). It was a moment where I was afforded a rare insight into where it all started for me. It had never occurred to me that there was an actual starting point – but I guess all things have a beginning. So, was this my ‘musical big-bang moment’?